Quedagh Merchant

  • Captain Kidd Wreck Discovery Lecture Part 5

    This is a video of the lecture on the discovery of the wreckage of Quedagh Merchant, the ship abandoned by 17th century pirate Captain William Kidd, by ...
  • Captain Kidd Wreck Discovery Lecture Part 1

    This is a video of the lecture on the discovery of the wreckage of Quedagh Merchant, the ship abandoned by 17th century pirate Captain William Kidd, by ...
  • Captain Kidd Wreck Discovery Lecture Part 2

    This is a video of the lecture on the discovery of the wreckage of Quedagh Merchant, the ship abandoned by 17th century pirate Captain William Kidd, by ...
  • In Search of Captain Kidd

    This is a documentary about the discovery of the Quedagh Merchant, a ship taken by Captain William Kidd in 1699, by Indiana University scientists. Underwater ...
  • Captain Kidd Wreck Discovery Part I

    First video of the discovery of the wreckage of the Quedagh Merchant, the ship abandoned by 17th century pirate Captain William Kidd, off the coast of ...
  • Captain Kidd Wreck Discovery Part II

    This is the second part of the video of the discovery of the wreckage of the Quedagh Merchant, the ship abandoned by 17th century pirate Captain William ...
  • Captain Kidd Wreck Discovery Lecture Part 3

    This is a video of the lecture on the discovery of the wreckage of Quedagh Merchant, the ship abandoned by 17th century pirate Captain William Kidd, by ...
  • Captain Kidd Wreck Discovery Lecture Part 4

    This is a video of the lecture on the discovery of the wreckage of Quedagh Merchant, the ship abandoned by 17th century pirate Captain William Kidd, by ...
  • Kidd Discovery Lab Part 1

    Resting in less than 10 feet of Caribbean seawater, the wreckage of Quedagh Merchant, the ship abandoned by the scandalous 17th century pirate Captain ...
  • Kidd Discovery Lab Part 2

    Resting in less than 10 feet of Caribbean seawater, the wreckage of Quedagh Merchant, the ship abandoned by the scandalous 17th century pirate Captain ...
  • Accidental Pirate

    Captain Kidd thought he would be received as a privateering hero upon returning to port, but he turned out to be the most wanted pirate in the British ...