The Diamond and her rich passengers

Loss of the ship Diamond
from various printed source - Pascal Kainic

We are sorry to state that the fine ship "Diamond" of 500 tons burden, commanded by captain Macey, was totally lost on Sunday morning last, in Cardigan Bay.

She made Cape Clear and was running about eight knots an hour when she struck on the east end of the Causeaway in Cardigan Bay, and sunk in deep water between Mockras and Barmouth, 6 miles the other side of the latter place. She was quite upright in the water, and lay about a mile from the land.

The consignees have politely favoured us with the names of the cabin passengers lost and saved on this melancholy occasion...

The total number of the crew and passengers was above 40.

The Diamond sailed from New York on the 12th of December 1825, and would therefore have the President's message on board, but no paper of any description have been saved.

Cardigan Bay  Barmouth

Location of the wreck somewhere in the bay

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