Old American Indian canoe found

American Indian canoe

By Whitney Ray - Capitol News Service

Florida archeologists are ecstatic about an American Indian artifact found buried in a lake bed.

This 23 foot long canoe is believed to be between 5-hundred and 8-hundred years old. It was found in Lake Munson in Leon County last month when the water level was low.

Florida has about 350- ancient canoes, but State Historic Conservator James Levy says this is one of the best preserved specimens ever found.

“This canoe is pretty rare. It’s a little longer than the average. Most are about 15 to 18 feet I think. But to find one with the sides still on it is extremely rare.

I think the reason for that is this one was lost in the middle of the lake. It sank in the mud. There’s a little less energy out there.

You don’t have the wave action and the sanding that take place along the shoreline and that’s probably why this one still has the sides and is in good condition,” said Levy.

The canoe will be studied and displayed in the Florida Museum of Natural History.


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