Explorer won't budge on shipwreck mystery

The Griffon
By Jim Avila, Beth Tribolet and Emily Yacus

The gray waters of Upper Lake Michigan are deep, cold and treacherous.

And lately, they've been contentious.

A three-way court battle is brewing among an explorer who says he's found a 329-year-old shipwreck, the state of Michigan and the U.S. government.

Just as precarious as the weather that supposedly sank the Griffon in 1679, the legal battle seems to portend a perfect storm.

"This whole area has a lot of wrecks," said Capt. Carl Carlson.

"That's why they call it death's door.

There's been lives taken in the water everywhere."

The Griffon shipwreck is a legend where Wisconsin meets Michigan.

It's a 300-year-old mystery that Carlson and his diving partner, Steve Libert, are determined to solve.


Great Lakes Griffin America

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